History of surah Competition




Revelation Place




Surat Al-Takathur got this name because of the occurrence of the word " Takathur " in the first verse, and this is also the most popular name for it.

Period of Revelation

The majority of commentators hold that Surat Al-Takathar is one of the Meccan suras and was revealed in Mecca al-Mukarramah before the Prophet's migration. Ibn Abbas chose this view - may God be pleased with both of them - to conclude that it was revealed in the boast of two neighborhoods of the Quraysh, and in al-Itqan for al-Suyuti that it is civil, as evidenced by the words of Ibn Abi Hatim, that it was revealed in the boast of two neighborhood followers, and they infer the hadith of Ubayy bin Kaab because he is an Ansar, and it was revealed after Surat Al-Kawthar and before Surat Al-Ma'un.

The commentators have not mentioned any general reason for the revelation of Surat At-Takathur, and what has been mentioned in the books of reasons for the revelation is a reason for the revelation of the first and second verses of it, namely that two tribes of Ansar, namely Bani Al-Harithah and Bani Al-Harith, boasted to each other about what they possessed in money and children, and boasted about their clan from the living, until when they pass by the graves, each tribe proudly points to the graves of men from the people and the clan. And each tribe says to the other: Are there such and such among you? Thus pride moved from the living to them and from the joy of living to the dead

Theme and topics

Emphasizing that the cause of man's ruin on the Day of Resurrection is his distraction by procreation and his preoccupation with it, rather than knowledge, worship, and work for the hereafter. Then the warning and serious threat (which intimidates and alarms them) that they will know the consequences of their preoccupation and that they will be held accountable and receive the just reward on the Day of Resurrection.

It is true that the surah is a threat and a warning, but it is also an account of a fact that has occurred, namely, man's occupation in ignorance with the increase of bliss and his negligence in the knowledge that he is God's successor on earth over that bliss, for which he will be called to account in the Hereafter, whether he was among the reformers or the corrupters?