History of surah Noah




Revelation Place




The reason for naming Surah Noah by this name - Surah Nouh was so named because God Almighty describes in it the story of our master Noah, peace be upon him, in which the story of God's prophet Noah was mentioned from the beginning and his people did not believe him until God Almighty punished them with a flood.

Period of Revelation

Surat Noah is considered to be one of the Meccan Suras according to the unanimous opinion of the jurists, i.e. it was revealed in Mecca Al-Mukarramah, and according to what has been reported on the authority of Ibn Ashour in the book Al-Tahrir and Al-Tanweer, this Sura was revealed before Surat Al-Tur and after Surat Al-Nahl.
The people of knowledge have not given any particular reason for Surah Noah. So, it seems that this noble surah is one of the surahs that have no special reason for its revelation, i.e., there was no event that was a reason for its revelation.

Theme and topics

Encouragement to ask forgiveness
A statement of God's greatness in creation
The position of Noah's people on his invitation
Noah's prayer for his people