History of surah The Ascending Stairways

The Ascending Stairways



Revelation Place




It is so called because it contains a description of the state of the angels at their ascension to heaven

Period of Revelation

Sura Al-Ma'arij was revealed in Mecca Al-Mukarramah, and it is a Meccan sura, and Ibn Ashour transmitted the agreement that Sura Al-Ma'arij is a Meccan sura, and it was revealed after Sura Al-Haqqa and before Sura Al-Naba', and it is the seventy-eighth sura in the order of revelation of the suras of the Holy Qur'an. This was reported by Jabir bin Zaid, and it was said that the date of its coming down was before the migration of the Prophet.
Surat Al-Ma'arij was revealed to the people of Mecca, and the reason for its revelation is that when the people of Mecca heard the Prophet - may God bless him and grant him peace - speak about the torment that will befall the disbelievers, a group of the people of Mecca said among themselves, "Muhammad fears us with punishment, so what is this punishment and for whom?" Then it was revealed. God Almighty, these verses.

Theme and topics

The Surat Al-Ma'arij contained many purposes and goals, and among these purposes:
Threatening the unbelievers and polytheists on the Day of Resurrection and emphasizing that it will inevitably occur, as well as mentioning some of its horrors and descriptions.

Describe one aspect of God's majesty - praised be He - on the Last Day and describe the state of the place of torment in the hereafter, namely hellfire, and explain the reasons for its entrance and the merits of its torment, God forbid.

Mention the actions and qualities of the believers that entitle them to enter the worthy abode in the hereafter, the paradise of eternity, and contrast them with the actions and qualities that oppose the people of disbelief and disobedience who deserve to go to the fire.

The confirmation of the Messenger - may God bless him and grant him peace - and the comfort he found in the face of the calamity and mockery of the polytheists.

Describe many of the qualities of Muslims that they acquired by converting to Islam and following the command of their Lord.

Warn the polytheists against extermination and replacement, because God Almighty is able to replace them with other people who are better than them.