History of surah The Believers

The Believers



Revelation Place



This honorable name was given to them in honor and praise of their honorable deeds and virtues, by which they earned the inheritance of the highest paradise in the gardens of bliss.

Period of Revelation
Abd al-Rahman ibn Abd al-Qari said: I heard Umar ibn al-Khattab say: when the revelation was sent down on the Messenger of God, he heard a sound like that of bees, then we stayed for an hour, then he turned to the Qiblah, raised his hands and said: O God, exalt us and do not belittle us, honor us and do not degrade us, give us and do not deprive us, favor us and do not affect us, and be pleased us, then he said, "Ten verses have been revealed to us. Whoever acts according to them will enter paradise." Then he recited the ten verses, " The believers have succeeded"

Theme and topics
Surat Al-Mu'minun began with a method of emphasis and is one of the Meccan suras dealing with the fundamentals of religion, such as monotheism, the message, and the resurrection.
Explanation of the evidence for the belief in souls, describing the creation and origin of man and explaining the stages of human life from its beginning to its end in this worldly life and then to the resurrection on the Day of Resurrection, and this shows the uniqueness of God, the Almighty, in His divinity, because He is the Almighty, the unique creation and upbringing of man, and a hint This is a proof of the resurrection after death, and man is considered with it, and that God Almighty did not create creation in vain.
We would also like to cite some cosmic proofs of His unity, wisdom, and power, praised be He, such as the creation of the heavens, the sending down of water, the germination of trees and fruits, the benefits that God Almighty bestowed upon man through the cattle and ships on which he is transported, and the signs of thought and consideration bestowed upon man.