History of surah The Enshrouded One

The Enshrouded One



Revelation Place




It was called "Al-Muzzammil" in allusion to what happened shortly after the revelation to Prophet Muhammad while he was on Mount Hira So he returned to Mrs. Khadija bint Khuwaylid, trembling with his gestures, and said, "Zamlouni, Zamloni." 

Period of Revelation

Surat Al-Muzzammil was revealed after Surat Al-Qalam, and Surat Al-Qalam was revealed when the revelation to the Prophet - may God bless him and grant him peace - and during the migration began. Surat Al-Muzzamm was also revealed on the same day.
our Master Muhammad - God's prayer and peace be upon him - the Messenger - God's prayer and peace be upon him - clung to the mother of the faithful, Aisha, may God be pleased with her, and they had a blanket that half covered the lady Aisha while she slept, and the other half was on the Messenger of God - may God bless him. It is also said that the reason for covering the Prophet -peace and blessings be upon him- is because the tribe of Quraish gathered in Dar Al-Nadwa and decided to give the Prophet a name to turn people away from him. So they proposed to call him a priest, and others were against it and proposed to call him a madman, and some of them were against it and proposed to call him a sorcerer, and they divided over these opinions. Thus, this speech reached the Prophet - may God bless him and grant him peace - and he covered himself with his clothes at that time and disappeared until Gabriel descended upon him and recited to him the verses of God that address him in this surah.

Theme and topics

There are many goals, sermons and teachings from Surat Al-Muzzammil. We mention some of them as follows: [God Almighty commanded to perform prayer and maintain it, to perform zakat and to give alms.
God Almighty advised the Prophet - blessings and peace be upon him - to do what he commanded in order to convey his message and rely on his Lord.
He mentioned God on the Day of Resurrection and His descriptions and terrors. In this surah, God Almighty, with a verse from it, reduced the night prayer and showed the possibility of performing a part of it, taking into account the excuses of the servants.
God promised a great and great reward for good deeds and good actions. God ordered his servants to hurry to repent and adhere to the etiquette of reading and contemplating the Quran.