History of surah The Heights
A'araf is mentioned in verses 46–47, which give this Surah its name.
Period of Revelation
The period of its revelation, which corresponds to the final year of the Holy Prophet's life in Makkah, is evident from a study of its contents, although it is impossible to say with absolute confidence which of these two was given first. In any case, the way it was admonished makes it obvious that it dates from the same period. The prelude to Al-An'am should be kept in mind by the reader because both have the same historical foundation.
Topics of Discussion
This surah's main subject, which is disguised as a warning, is "invitation to the Divine Message handed down to Muhammad" (Allah's peace be upon him). This is because the Messenger had warned the Makkan populace for a very long period without seeing any real change in them. The Messenger was going to be told to leave them and turn to other people because they had refused to listen to his word and had grown to be so obstinate and hostile. Because of this, they are cautioned to accept the Message while also receiving a stern warning about the implications of the prior people's improper treatment of their Messengers. (The concluding section of the address has been aimed for the people of the Book with whom the Holy Prophet was going to come into contact because he was about to "move from Makkah. This indicated that the time of the migration was drawing near and that the "invitation" would no longer be limited to his own people in particular but would instead be given to all of mankind.
The consequences of the Jews' hypocritical behavior toward prophethood were also pointed out clearly during the speech to the Jews. Although they claimed to believe in Prophet Moses, in reality, they opposed his teachings, disobeyed him, and worshiped falsehood, leading to their ignominy and disgrace.
The Holy Prophet and his followers have received certain instructions for carrying out the mission of spreading Islam with wisdom at the end of the Surah. The most crucial of these is that they should respond to their opponents' provocations with calm and control. Above all, they have been warned not to do any reckless actions that could undermine their cause while under the pressure of excitement.
Subject: Invitation to the Divine Message
Topics and their Interconnection
In this verse, the populace is both urged to accept and warned against rejecting the Message that Allah (peace be upon him) conveyed to them via Muhammad (Allah's peace be upon him). 1-10
The purpose of telling the account of Adam is to forewarn his successors of the terrible deeds of Satan, who is always ready to deceive them as he did in the instance of Adam and Eve. 11-25
This section compares Satan's teachings with certain divine instructions and paints a vivid picture of the outcomes and repercussions of doing both. 26-53
Because Allah (Who is the Creator of the heavens and the earth and everything in them) sent down the Message, it should be heeded because it is similar to the rain He sends down to bring life to the parched ground. 54-58
Events from the lives of some well-known Prophets, including Noah, Hud, Salih, Lot, Shu'aib, and Moses (Allah's peace be upon them all), have been related to illustrate the effects of rejecting the Message, and those to whom the Prophet Muhammad (Allah's peace be upon him) has spoken have been urged to do so in order to avoid damnation. 59-171
As the Covenant made with the Israelites was mentioned at the conclusion of the passage before it, the Covenant made when Adam was appointed Vicegerent of Allah has been very appropriately brought to the attention of all humanity. This is so that all of Adam's descendants will be reminded of it and will accept and follow the Message that was conveyed by the Holy Prophet. 172-174
To those who were considering the Message as untrue, the example of the person who had knowledge of the Message but rejected it has been used as a warning; they have been urged to use their wits to recognize the Message since, else, Hell would be their home. 175-179
This Surah's conclusion addresses some of the deviations of individuals who do not use their faculties properly to comprehend the Message. They are reprimanded, chastised, and forewarned of the grave repercussions of their hostile attitude against the Message of the Holy Prophet. 180-198
In conclusion, guidelines have been given to the Holy Prophet and, through him, to his followers, regarding how to react to those who reject and depart from the Message. 199-206