History of surah The Most High

The Most High



Revelation Place




Surah Al-Ala was given this name because it opened with the Almighty saying: (Glorify the Name of your Lord, the Most High).

Period of Revelation

A Meccan sura was revealed in Mecca Al-Mukarramah before the transfer of the Messenger of God - God's prayers and peace be upon him - to Medina, according to public opinion, because what the holy sura contains Quranic verses testifies, that it was revealed in the Meccan era, so that the divine promise to His Messenger - may God bless him and grant him peace - that he will not forget what was revealed to him falls in the time of the beginning of the revelation
Surah Al-Ala, as a complete Surah, had no reason for revelation. Rather, a reason for the revelation was given in one of the verses, namely the following verse: God Almighty said: { By degrees shall We teach thee to declare (the Message), so thou shalt not forget}

Theme and topics

The sura begins with the exaltation and sanctification of God and an explanation of the great power of God in the creation of man, the appreciation of what is in the universe, and the harnessing of that power for him.
The support of God Almighty for his Prophet - peace and blessings be upon him - and his promise to establish the Quran in his heart, and his promise to support him with revelation and to facilitate the way of calling to God - Almighty - before him.
The mission of the Prophet - may God bless him and grant him peace - to convey the message and call to the people.
Explanation of the divisions of people before the law of God - the Almighty -؛ There are those who preach and respond so that God the Almighty will save them, and they are the people with pure souls, and another class is arrogant and clings to the life of this world and turns away from the hereafter so that their lot is destruction.
A statement that what God Almighty sent down to the people of Muhammad -peace and blessings be upon him- from the principles of Shariah and the approval of the principles of righteousness is also found in the heavenly books and in previous laws; indicating that they are all from one God.