History of surah The Mount

The Mount



Revelation Place




Surat al-Tur was given this name because it was in addition to the mention of al-Tur in it, since God - praised and exalted be He - swore by al-Tur at the beginning of the venerable Surah.

Period of Revelation

It is clear from the verses that this Surah was revealed at the same stage that Surat Al-Dhariyat was revealed, and when one reads it, one clearly senses that the Holy Prophet, God's prayer and peace be upon him, was overwhelmed with objections and accusations during the time of its revelation
Surah At-Tur was revealed after Surat Al-Sajdah, and Surat Al-Sajdah was revealed after the Al-Essra'a journey and just before the Hijrah, so Surat At-Tur was also revealed on that date.
The Surat al-Tur was revealed to the polytheists of Quraysh when they met in Dar al-Nadwa and discussed a way to get rid of Prophet Muhammad, God's prayer and peace be upon him, because the Islamic religion was a great danger to them. So one person from Bani Abd al-Dar suggested that they should wait for the Prophet, God's prayer and peace be upon him, to die so that his memory would become obsolete. And what he calls for, according to their belief, is only a poet, and when he dies, peace and blessings be upon him, his carpet will be folded as the carpet of the pre-Islamic poets was folded before him, so God Almighty revealed this great surah in response to them.

Theme and topics

The theme of (verses 1-28) is the afterlife, with an explanation of the fate of those who deny the resurrection and the reward of those who follow the path of piety and righteousness.
Then, in (verses 29-49), the attitude of the leaders of Quraish towards the message of the Holy Prophet, may God bless him and grant him peace, is criticized.
The disbelievers also accused the Holy Prophet of inventing the Quran himself and presenting it in the name of God, and they often mocked him, saying that God could not choose an ordinary man for prophecy, and they expressed their great despair at his reputation and message and shunned him.
And the leaders of Quraish met and consulted together to make plans to complete the mission. While they were doing all this, they did not realize the teachings of ignorance in which they were entangled and how sincerely Muhammad, may God bless him and grant him peace, had given himself to free them from their error.
Both at the beginning and at the end of this sura, the Holy Prophet, God's prayer and peace be upon him, was instructed to pass on his call and proclaim his message despite accusations and objections. Moreover, he was comforted that God stands with him against his enemies.