History of surah The Night
It was called Surat al-Layl because of the beginning of the surah with the oath of God Almighty {By the night as it conceals }
Period of Revelation
It was revealed in Mecca and one of the reasons for the revelation of this surah, about which some disagreed, is that it was from Abu Bakr - may God be pleased with him - that he bought Bilal from Umayyah bin Khalaf with a cloak and ten ounces of gold to free him from the disbelievers of the Quraysh and their torture for him.
This is how the verses were revealed, and here it is implied that Abu Bakr tried to free Bilal from Umayyah bin Khalaf
Theme and topics
The suras of the Quran show and explain to Muslims the affairs of their religion, its rules and beliefs. The Holy Quran is the first source of Islamic legislation, and each surah contains a set of goals and themes revealed according to the will of God Almighty. The following are the goals of Surat al-Layl in the order of their verses:
The aims of Surat al-Layl from verse 1 to 11: God Almighty swears by day and night that people's deeds distinguish between good and evil. So whoever does good and believes in God Almighty, God will facilitate his affairs for good, and whoever is stingy in giving and lies by God's grace, God Almighty will make it difficult for him. And his money will be of no use to him, and he will be of no use to him about God The purpose of Surat al-Layl from verse 12 to 21: These verses indicate that this world's life and the hereafter belong to God Almighty and at His command. He has warned the polytheists of the fire of Hell and its torments, and after this warning and admonition, only the wretched will taste it, and the pious who spends his money in it will avoid it The way of God Almighty and its goal is to please God Almighty, and that is whom God Almighty will satisfy and honor with His generosity