History of surah The Overthrowing
Surat Al-Takwir was given this name. Because God - the Almighty - mentioned at the beginning of the word " Kwirat " where God - the Almighty - said: { When the sun is rolled.}, [1] and it has not been proven the Messenger of God - may God bless him and grant him peace - he is the one who gave it this name
Period of Revelation
God Almighty revealed Surat Al-Takwir in Makkah Al-Mukarramah, and the people of knowledge were unanimous about that is revealed before the emigration, and the people of knowledge counted it as the seventh in terms of the order of revelation of the suras of the noble Qur'an, and it was revealed before Surat Al-A'la.
Theme and topics
It included an explicit penalty to prove the resurrection, and he began by describing the horrors that preceded it, and moved on to describing the horrors that would follow it.
And to point out about the Qur’an, which they lied about, because he promised them resurrection and accused the Prophet (peace and blessings of God be upon him) of madness and the Qur’an that a devil would bring it to him.