History of surah Those who drag forth
It is mentioned in the Qur'an and in most interpretations (Surah Al-Naza'at).
It was also called (and the disputes), and some called it (Surat Al-Sahira) and (Surah Al-Tama).
Surat Al-Naza'at was so named because God Almighty opened it with the oath with the disputes, and it was said about the meaning of the disputes several meanings, including the following:
Al-Naza'at are the angels who undertake the removal of the souls of the children of Adam, and their removal of the soul depends on the condition of the person. If he is a believer, then he takes away his soul easily, simply and gently, and if his condition is different, then he takes away his soul with effort, hardship and difficulty.
Al-Naza'at are the planets that move in the sky according to their own system.
Period of Revelation
It is a Meccan by agreement.
It is counted as the eighty-first in the order of revelation. It was revealed after Surat Al-Naba' and before Surat Al-Infitar.
It should be noted that the books of interpretation and sciences of the noble Qur'an do not mention any particular reason for the revelation of Surat al-Naza'at, but what Ibn Attia mentioned was that the Messenger of God - God's prayer and peace be upon him - used to speak a lot about the Hour and its terrors and reminded them of it, so the Quraish insisted on asking him - God's prayer and peace be upon him. And peace be upon him - about the time of the Hour, and so this verse was revealed " They ask thee about the (final) Hour - when will be its appointed time?"
Theme and topics
This included the proof of the resurrection and the reward and the invalidation of the rebuke of the polytheists and their appearance.
And the humiliation of his time and what people will experience at that time.
And the invalidation of the claim of the polytheists that it is impossible to revive after the absence of the bodies.
And implied that their denial came from their tyranny, so that tyranny prevented them from listening to the warning of punishment, so that they felt secure in themselves and did not expect life after this earthly life, equating their tyranny to the tyranny of Pharaoh and his turning away from the call of Moses, peace be upon him, and in this they have a lesson and an entertainment for the Messenger of God (peace be upon him). God bless him and give him peace)
And the speech turned to the argument about the possibility of the resurrection, that the creation of the worlds and the administration of their order is greater than the re-creation.
He pointed to the evidence of the great power of God Almighty in the creation of the heavens and the earth.
And to the gratitude in the creation of this world for the benefits they reap, and that when the world of the hereafter comes and the world of this world perishes, the reward for the deeds comes with punishment and reward.
revealed their suspicion about the sending of the resurrection by delaying it and giving them a sign of its absence. Therefore, they ask the Messenger (peace and blessings of God be upon him) about the specification of the hour, a matter of persistence, and that it is the duty of the Messenger to remind them and it is not his duty to specify about it, and that it will happen soon.