History of surah The Cleaving

The Cleaving



Revelation Place




This sura was given this name as an indication that this great ceiling, which is above our heads and is held by God, will break and split at the command of the Almighty, because the breaking and splitting of the sky is tantamount to a permission from the Most High, the Almighty.

Period of Revelation

It is a Meccan sura revealed during the Meccan call period and before the migration of the Prophet, and the number of its verses is 19 verses.

The commentators see that the creation's slander against the Creator, polytheism with Him, and equation with the people who created them has made the inanimate objects that God Almighty created so jealous of the unity of God that the heavens, the earth, and the mountains, as God Almighty has said, want to break apart and collapse, and the earth wants to split open to destroy the disobedient and the polytheists. But the Merciful, the All-Merciful, keeps them all until they are given permission, because of mercy to mankind, and until they live in the universe and remember God, and so that the worlds will not have a quarrel on the great day of judgment, and so that not one of them will say, My Lord, hurry up with me after I have disobeyed Him once.

Theme and topics

This Surah includes: the confirmation of the resurrection and the mention of the horrors that precede it. And waking up the polytheists to consider the things that prevented them from acknowledging the monotheism of God Almighty and considering the evidence of the occurrence of the resurrection and the reward.
It shows that the works are counted. And an explanation of the reward for good and bad deeds.
And a warning to people not to believe that anything will save them from God's reward for their bad deeds.