History of surah The Evidence

The Evidence



Revelation Place




The reason for naming Surat Al-Bayyinah with this name lies in the occurrence of the word Al-Bayyinah in the first verse of the Surah

Period of Revelation

Its number is one hundred and one in the order of revelation. It was revealed after Surat Al-Talaq and before Surat Al-Hashr, that is, before the battle of Banu Al-Nadir. The battle of Al-Nadir took place in the fourth year of Rabi' Al-Awwal. This Surah was revealed at the end of the third year or at the beginning of the fourth year.
The reason for its revelation goes back to the Companion Ubayy ibn Ka'b - may God be pleased with him - who once heard the Companion Abdullah ibn Masoud - may God be pleased with him - read the Holy Qur'an in a way that was not familiar to him, and he did not hear it from the Prophet - may God's prayers and peace be upon him - so he denied it to him, and after a dispute between them about the validity of the reading, they went to the Prophet - may God's prayers and peace be upon him - to judge. They presented their readings to the Messenger of God, and the Prophet -God's prayers and peace be upon him- confirmed the two readings to them and told them that they were both correct in them, so that doubt entered my father's heart and a suspicion fell into his soul. Then the Messenger of God, God's prayers and peace be upon him, told him that God Almighty had inspired him to read the Quran in seven letters, and it should be noted that these readings are from the Quraish language and are all correct, frequent and proven readings of the Prophet, God's prayers and peace be upon him. God Almighty did not want to leave Ubayy ibn Ka'b - may God be pleased with him - in his doubts and deceptions. He was a man who worshipped God Almighty, followed what God commanded, and avoided what He forbade. So, God prepared for him that which would remove doubts from his heart and strengthen his faith beyond his belief, and thus the honorable surah was revealed.

Theme and topics

An irrefutable and clear argument against the Jews and Christians
Urgent warning against imitating Jews and Christians
Emphasis on the importance of faithfulness
Emphasizing the importance of the second and third pillars of the five pillars of Islam
Explaining the justice and moderation of Islam and the establishment and balance of its laws
Establishing the true standard by which people differ from God Almighty
Emphasizing the fate of the disbelievers on the Day of Resurrection
Explanation of the meaning of satisfaction with God Almighty