49 | The Inner Apartments Al-Hujuraat الحجرات | |
50 | The letter Qaaf Qaaf ق | |
51 | The Winnowing Winds Adh-Dhaariyat الذاريات | |
52 | The Mount At-Tur الطور | |
53 | The Star An-Najm النجم | |
54 | The Moon Al-Qamar القمر | |
55 | The Beneficent Ar-Rahmaan الرحمن | |
56 | The Inevitable Al-Waaqia الواقعة | |
57 | The Iron Al-Hadid الحديد | |
58 | The Pleading Woman Al-Mujaadila المجادلة | |
59 | The Exile Al-Hashr الحشر | |
60 | She that is to be examined Al-Mumtahana الممتحنة | |